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‘Rainbow Menopause’ with Iris Film Prize
menopause equality counts menopause equality counts

‘Rainbow Menopause’ with Iris Film Prize

I am currently involved in a vibrant and impactful project, 'Rainbow Menopause,' which has been graciously funded by the Iris Prize, Cardiff's celebrated International LGBT+ Short Film Prize. This initiative aims to cast a spotlight on the menopause experiences within the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting the critical need for conversations and support to be inclusive and comprehensive. 'Rainbow Menopause' is a creative endeavor under the auspices of the Menopause Inclusion Collective, and it seeks to merge interviews with clinicians and individuals who have personally navigated the menopause journey. Our mission is to share these lived experiences and individual narratives widely, fostering a deeper and more inclusive understanding of menopause. It is an absolute pleasure to collaborate with Ceri Harris BEM, a fellow equality and inclusion professional and advocate, who is directing this meaningful film.

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